The steps outlined below are meant to help students who disagree with their course grades. The next step is only taken if the previous step has failed.
Step 1: In-person resolution. This step is an attempt to get to an informal resolution. If the student does not receive a satisfactory resolution from the instructor, they may seek a resolution through the instructor’s immediate supervisor, the department chair, or, in the absence of the department chair, the school’s dean. The Chair or Dean may arrange a discussion between the student and the teacher.
Step 2: Written grade complaint. By filing a written complaint with the instructor’s immediate supervisor, the student may request an investigation of the grade. This request includes evidence of grades handled inaccurately, subjectively, or randomly. If the instructor is subjected to this problem, students must seek processing from a higher officer. The grievance must be submitted during the semester (the summer terms are not included) after the grade is posted. Only if the detailed proof requested above is submitted within the semester period will the investigation be valid. Only if his or her discoveries show clear evidence are grades adjusted, and the report on this issue must be submitted by the instructor’s immediate supervisor within a week. If the student does not receive or is dissatisfied with the report, he or she may move to step 3.
Step 3: Grade Dissatisfaction. Students may now file a written grade dissatisfaction with the dean within three weeks after getting a response to their original written grade complaint. The investigation is conducted only if the report is submitted within three weeks and detailed evidence of the grade being issued inaccurately, subjectively, or randomly is provided. If these criteria are not met, there is no further investigation.
Suppose the student meets the requirements for submitting a grade grievance. In this case, the dean or provost shall form an ad hoc Committee of three (3) faculty members with power to investigate the matter further and recommend a resolution.
In response to a specific grade audit committee, the dean or provost will provide a written decision within a week of receiving the committee’s written proposals. This might be the final word for students and faculty members. The choice may necessitate a grade change.
Step 4: Grievance Referred to Alabama State Department of Education: If after following all the three previous steps the student grievance has not been resolved, the grievance is referred to the Alabama State Department of Education or the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, as appropriate.
If the grievance is financial, the student addresses her/his complaints to the school officials as follows:
- The student meets with the dean of her/his school to attempt to solve the financial problems.
- If the dean cannot address the issue, the student requests an appointment with the provost in written.
- If the provost cannot solve the issue, the student addresses a letter to the President.
- If after following all the four previous steps the student grievance has not been resolved, the grievance is referred to the Alabama State Department of Education or the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, as appropriate.